Professor Roberto CARATOZZOLO
Research Interest:
Civil lawer with specific competence in banking and financial law
Professional experience:
Aggregate Professor in Financial Intermediation Law, since 2013, Department of Political and Legal Science, University of Messina.
Since 2015, he has taught Financial Intermediation Law at Economics Department of University of Messina, Degree Course in Economics, Banks and Finance; Economic Law, in Administration and
Organization Sciences, ad Department of Political and legal Sciences.
Last publications:
Contribution in book: L’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie per il finanziamento delle imprese: l’equity crowdfunding, in Fintech -Introduzione ai profili giuridici di un mercato unico tecnologico
dei servizi finanziari, (The use of new technologies for business financing: equity crowdfunding, in Fintech - Introduction to the legal profiles of a single market for financial services) a cura
di M.T. Paracampo, Giappichelli Editore, being published, 2018;
Contribution in book: Il ruolo del sistema bancario nei processi di integrazione economica e sociale dei migranti (The role of the banking system in the processes of economic and social
integration of migrants), being published, in Proceedings of National Conference on I diritti sociali all’epoca delle Migrazioni, University of Messina, July 2018.
Contribution in book: New principles for latest economic activities: among sustainable growth, peer-to-peer collaboration and digital innovations, being published, in Proceedings of International
Quadrilateral Conference, University of Messina.