365 Timing Economic Congress 2019


365 Timing Economic Congress is the concept of holistic approach to time-related issues in social and economic processes, factoring in the needs of a person, but also that of the society and the state. The ever-present economization and financialisation in economic processes are not sufficient by themselves, as the role of proper location and time becomes key for realization of goals.
The event organized jointly by the Wrocław University of Economics and Business and the Lower Silesian Fund for Development is a great opportunity to consider the direction in which our economy and economies of our region as well as Europe and the World are heading. This year we will be discussing megatrends in economic perspective by 2035. New fields of economy, increasing innovativeness, traditional sectors supported by new sectors we cannot even forecast these days. Development of the Internet. Environmental and social challenges. We will also discuss the place of a human in modern economy. How does technological progress change societies? What is the alternative for sharing economy? How people’s expectations affect policy of the state?
A special networking zone will be established during this year’s Congress: Level Up! Innovation and Inspiration. It will be a space for entrepreneurial activity, where participants of the congress who are interested in exchange of views and ideas will be able to meet.
Interesting formula of the conference adopted for the first edition of the Congress – the idea to invite representatives of various environments, including science, business, business-related environment, local government administration and the media to participate in the discussion – definitely worked.

Speech of Professor Andrzej Kaleta, the WUEB Rector  - Honorary Committee
Speech of Professor Bogusław Półtorak, the WUEB Vice Dean for Education  - Organizational Committee

More videos on 365 Timing Economic Congress website
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