AMBA Accreditation

On September 26, 2019, during the session of the Council of the Faculty of Management, Computer Science and Finance of the WUE,
the Executive MBA Program formally received
the AMBA Accreditation Certificate. It is an award for
the best programs on the international arena and means the highest standard of achievements of postgraduate business education. Students, business schools, graduates and employers all recognise it
as a gold standard.
The program enjoys high prestige. Only candidates with managerial experience and meeting specific requirements are accepted. This means that by completing the Executive MBA program, you join the
group of outstanding and elite graduates of our university.
The preparation for receiving an AMBA accreditation we began at the end of 2017. lt is the oldest and the most prestigious international accreditation granted by the Association of MBAs. lts
accreditation service is the global standard for all MBA, DBA and Master's degrees, currently accrediting programs from the top 2% of business schools in over 70 countries. AMBA accreditation is
awarded to the best programs internationally and denotes the highest and rigorous standard of achievement in postgraduate business education. We fulfilled the primary requirements and in April 2018
the Executive MBA Program earned the status of a candidate for accreditation. The Faculty of Management, Computer Science and Finance received the financial funding to undergo this international
accreditation within the project entitled Foreign Accreditations realized by means of Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, cofunded by the European Social Fund.
The Association of MBAs (AMBA) is the authority on postgraduate management education and is committed to raising the
quality standards internationally to benefit the business schools around the globe, their students and alumni and employers.
The Association of MBAs:
- was established in 1967,
- accredits MBA, DBA and Master’s Degree programmes at over 240 business schools in over 70 countries,
- the Association delivers the highest standards of knowledge and education for fostered communities.
Thanks to its own research center, scientific publications and cooperation with best business practitioners and academic experts, AMBA provides the top world-class knowledge, that focus on
innovation, global trends and in-depth research.